Friday, 26 October 2012


l agree with  you.  Let us not make a  mockery of this serious  national  issue. We have already  dedicated  18 months for this  movement.  Do some thing  positive and  fruitful.  Regards and Well wishes.

This message is from  IAC  NOIDA   Col UB Singh
On Oct 25, 2012 6:46 PM, "IAC INFO" <> wrote:

Dear Aswathi,

It has come to knowledge of IAC HQ that you have recently contacted many media persons to misrepresent that Arvind's email of 22.10.12 (08:12 am) is fake/not sent by Arvind. Many reporters have been provided access to Arvind's email and are agreed that the statement published by IAC HQ the same day at 11:15 am is a copy-paste except for the reply to Question No. 9 to which a simple 1 line answer was given by IAC HQ. A senior journalist Ms. Sucheta Dalal has objected that the reply was "sketchy" overall and the last line was clearly interpolated by us.

It is regrettable that Arvind is compelled by his political compulsions to swing like a pendulum depending on which way the wind is blowing. Such antics do no good to the IAC movement and cause citizens to doubt our motives and also question IAC's commitment to disclosure and transparency when it comes to our own affairs.
As our volunteers all over India, especially those in the rural area and small towns - not only those in affluent Delhi or Mumbai belts, have to be properly informed at all times, kindly arrange that sufficiently well researched and in-depth answers on behalf of IAC(Gzb.) to Mr. Digvijaya Singh's questions, concerning Arvind's private NGOs, their financing and scope in IAC movement, contained at pg. 2 of DVS's first letter to Arvind (also appended here)are emailed to us within 24 hours so that IAC HQ can issue the appropriate guidance memo for our sewaks.

Kindly also reply to the additional last query below posed by our 2 active workers from Dist.Solan (Himachal Pradesh), who are awaiting our urgent guidance.

If nothing is heard within 24 hours, IAC HQ shall be issuing a statement unilaterally after 36 hours to protect the image of the entire IAC movement.


* ls it a fact that you then sough t voluntary retirement from service and even without it being approved, you absented from your office‘?

* As a serving officer of IRS did you take permission of GOl to form your NG0?

* ls it a fact that the NGO Kabir, with whom you are closely associated. received US$ 172000 in 2005, $ 197000 in 2008 from Ford Foundation?

* Was this foreign money used to organize seminars, advocacy discussions, programmes, social media campaigns and publicity material related to the issue of corruption?

* Being still in service did you take permission from your Ministry to receive these foreign and private funds in your NGO‘?

* Why there are no details of individual donors and Corporate donors on any website of your NGOs ?

* Is it a fact that you took a cheque of Rs. 2 Crores to Anna and he refused to accept as he felt collection was much more‘?

* A senior member of your Core Committee has alleg ed that you have misappropriated funds to the tune of 20 Crores. Why you have not responded to this charge?

* We would also like to know your relationship with US based NGO Avaaz, which has been funding Civil Disobedience Movements in Libya Tunisia Egypt and Syria‘? What is the logistical and other support your anti-corruption movement received from Avaaz ?

* Is it a fact that you had announced to lead a Tehrir Square like movement in Delhi ?

* Is it a fact that you have diverted the funds which you received in the name of India Against Corruption to your NGO Parivartan/Public Cause Research Foundation ?

* Why have you collected funds for India Against Corruption in Parivartan/ PCRF ?


* Is it correct that Arvind believes that black money of Indian' in Swiss banks abroad should stay there because Indians don't know how to spend it on India's development ?


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