Friday, 7 December 2012

Re: [IAC++] A new political set up for India.

The Professionals Party India is trying something like that. I get their emails often with various stands, proposed policies and such. I find it to be a fairly "upper middle class" view in the sense the issues and objectives are all in terms of "improving facilities" rather than fixing fundamental wrongs. Now there is a fairly strongish "anti-corruption" trend, which too doesn't seem anything unique.

I believe that more than "intelligent and experienced", we need real people with real problems wading in. We need a few farmers in debt joining a political party, for example. We need forgotten communities like Parsis or Ahmadiyyas bringing in perspectives on communal politics. The "intelligence" of it can be collective, IMO, the need of the hour is for people with real problems who can be vocal on what they are and if a proposed solution will be helpful to become visible, as opposed to people who imagine they understand everyone's problems and know what is "right".

We need them to keep issues that go under the carpet on the table, so that collective brains with an experience of what it means to have problems that get ignored can work together and find ways to find fixes that will not get sidelined.

This may mean willingness to sponsor politicians from underprivileged sections till they can earn an income if elected. This sponsorship has to be institutional without strings attached.

Just a view.

On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 5:42 PM, Israel Jayakaran <> wrote:
I am thinking of a political party where every face will be new but the most  intelligent and expereinced Indians  in some field  who are in a position to 'give' will be the members.

Vidyut Kale
Twitter: @Vidyut
Diaspora: vidyut@ilikefreedom
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