Sunday, 17 February 2013

Re: [IAC#RG] Disinvestment


Both are separate incidents.

The corrupt officer was trapped by CBI, tried and imprisoned eight years ago. He might now be out of prison now. For the trap, I had to provide as evidence the bribe he demanded. It's gone!.

The RTI was against another corrupt officer. That worked in my favour and this officer gave up her tricks thereafter.

How do I get back into the game now without any opponents in sight?.


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On 16-Feb-2013, at 8:13 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:

Dear Ravi

A real social activist would not have placed you in that situation in the first place.

It is not a citizen's job to trap corrupt officers or give witness in CBI courts. That is the Government's job/function.

A RTI is not filed to trap or expose corrupt people / public servants.

It is very important for citizens to distinguish between "genuine" social activist and the "fake" ones. Actually some of the fake activists are actively hand-in-glove with the corrupt  forces, and good / naive people like you are merely used as cannon fodder so that one corrupt faction can attack another.

Now that you are wiser, you should consider getting back in the game.


On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 10:14 PM, Ravi George <> wrote:
I have had my own little successes with filing RTIs. And I have exposed a central government officer trying to collect a bribe. I have stood witness in a CBI court testifying against this corrupt officer. And, I have suffered the consequences!.

When I came across these consequences, the social activists who encouraged me to expose the crime, ditched me.

Now I have aged and have lost the fire in me. The messages I see on this email list looks to be rekindling that fire.... But will I again be left alone?.

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On 15-Feb-2013, at 5:25 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:

Dear Ravi

Your short post has many nuggets in it.

1)  All salaried employees have PF deducted compulsorily which is invested arbitrarily somewhere. The public has no control where it goes or how it is invested. Simply think of it as one big Ponzi scheme which is backed by a Govt which can print as much money as it needs to paper its losses. This is known as "sovereign guarantee" and is a powerful tool for Govt to maintain the status quo and which is why the "salaried middle class" cannot be relied on to support radical  change.

2)  You want to do something which has no comebacks to you, or you want somebody else to do it for you. This is yet another typical urban approach - pass the "buck" onto somebody else, give your garlands and offerings to false gods and false prophets and go home deluded that you have done your bit for the "cause".

3) Are you prepared to file an RTI ? This is the most basic of steps any corruption fighter must be prepared to do. People who have riches to lose - say a business built up over the years,  are too scared - images of murdered RTI activists swim before their eyes - and they find 10 excuses not to do so. For poor people or desperate people with everything to lose, even filing an RTI is not a powerful enough tool for them and they want better AK-47s.


On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Ravi George <> wrote:
Dear Col. Joshi,

Glad to know someone else also has the same thoughts as me on the subject. You are right, PC has his eyes on the funds where people have parked their savings. Sooner or later Providend  Fund will start investing in companies which are put up for disinvestment. I hear that already PF dept's pension schemed is in shambles.

What can we do other than being silent onlookers?. If we do something, the beurocratic machinery  will see that we are destroyed, I am speaking from personal experience.

Ravi George 

On Friday, February 15, 2013, arun joshi wrote:
Dear Ravi,
You may recollect the person who was partially or wholly for the UTI fiasco. Did Dhirubhai/Mukesh/Anil benefit?
The same fundamentals are being enforced today. Personally I always expected this when PC took over as FM. 

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