Monday, 29 April 2013

RE: [IAC#RG] URGENT: Atomic Energy Dept's attempts to assault IAC Gen.Sec

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From: [] On Behalf Of Sarbajit Roy
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 4:19 PM
To: indiaresists
Subject: [IAC#RG] URGENT: Atomic Energy Dept's attempts to assault IAC Gen.Sec


Dear Members

A serious situation has arisen, I request all anti-corruption fighters and media to read this email carefully to see if they can help us out.

The Dept of Atomic Energy, a completely incompetent organisation floating on oceans of unaccounted public funds, has persisted with its attempts to dissuade RTI activists attempting to enquire how public funds are spent by them.

The latest such target is Dr. Sandeep Gupta, a Gen Sec of India Against Corruption.

You may recall that I had updated the IAC movement that I would be representing Dr.Sandeep Gupta in his RTI hearing against the Dept. of Atomic Energy on 05.03.2013 before the CIC.

The entire details till then are posted here

IAC has been running an in-depth enquiry in DAE's purchase procedures, of which Dr. Sandeep Gupta's RTI is a component. 

The salient features are these:-

Through "" the DAE conducts massive procurement using a process of e-tendering. This is a 2 step process, the 2nd step being a process of "re-encryption" AFTER the DAE closes the tender.

It seems that foreign hackers or governments (said to be Pakistani based) have discovered how to exploit this process and are operating a tender mafia in DAE.

As a result, items are often being purchased for phenomenal prices compared to the open market rate. It seems certain that this requires participation / cooperation of skilled / trusted people deep inside the system, to the extent that the DAE website has the  peculiarity that browser requests to "" get redirected to "" which reveals that this "UNTRUSTWORTHY" website lacks even a basic security certificate (leave alone an expired or wrong one) - like leaving the front door open without installing a lock for burglars to walk in. (PDF attached).

In the purchase which IAC's Dr. Sandeep Gupta has RTI-ed for, the tender limit was Rs. 50 Lakhs, the winning bid was Rs. 49,96,628. (Doesn't need a rocket scientist) and the next lower bid BEFORE Re-encrytion was Rs.18.Lakhs and something but AFTER Encryption it seems the 2nd lowest bid became Rs. 48 lakhs and something (we are certain all the documents for this would have been forged, destroyed or otherwise covered up by now).

DAE denied the information to Dr.Gupta firstly claiming the 3rd party had objected. In the First Appeal it emerged that only the 2nd highest bidder, ie the 18+lakh person was objecting to the file being provided to IAC. (it doesn't get more obvious than this)

At the CIC hearing all the objections of the PIO were brushed aside and DAE was directed to give Dr. Gupta certified copies of all files he had asked for - which were very well specified by him with all file numbers.

Anyway now the DAE is trying to lure Dr. Sandeep Gupta to Mumbai by asking him to inspect and identify the documents he wants copies of, and we apprehend danger for him and are advising him not to go. In fact the CIC order is clear that the entire files are to be given to him. This is only the tip of the iceberg, IAC estimates that uptp 70% of DAE's purchases are being  siphoned off

We are forming a small team of dedicated activists to take this matter forward. So please email me offlist if you want to help out.

National Convenor, IAC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sandeep gupta
Date: Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 9:36 AM
Subject: [NICnet] Wilful non-compliance of the orders of the Central Information Commission

To :


Shri N.K. Gupta,

Joint Director P&S/CPIO,

Directorate of Purchase and Stores,

Vikram Sarabhai Bhawan, Anushakti Nagar,



Date: 27.04.2013


Subject: Your letter DPS/JD/RTI-09(168)/2013/555 dated 19.04.2013


          By your letter above mentioned you have again requested me to visit the Directorate at Mumbai with prior appointment for inspection of the records despite my previous objection to this.


          Please note that your offer to merely provide me inspection of a few records at Mumbai, which records also you are not prepared to list out for me in advance, does not meet my requirements, since the form of information access I have requested the information to be provided to me is in the form of authenticated / true copy(s) of such records as have been very well specified by me and are very well known to you.


          Please refer my previous letter whereupon I had specifically called upon you to confirm if it was your case that the information I had requested was voluminous in nature and would disproportionately divert your dept's resources. I had also requested you to provide me a list of documents which would be provided to me along with the number of pages which I would be given inspection of (which is the primary duty of the PIO).

          I observe that you have neither been able to confirm that the information is voluminous etc., nor have you provided me the list of information which you hold and shall disclose to me.

          Accordingly, I am caused to believe that you are in league with certain anti-national mafias (controlled from Pakistan) who are looting your department with impunity, so as to lure me to Mumbai under the pretext of providing me information there.

          I therefore call upon you to immediately provide me (within 14 days of my letter) by Registered Post the duly authenticated photo-copies of all the files (complete in all respects) which the Honourable CIC had directed is to be given to me vide order dt 08.03.2013 in F.No. CIC/SM/A/2012/001398.

          You may particularly take note that you are in wilful breach/disobedience of a clear direction issued by a public servant acting under his lawful powers directing you to provide me the said information within 10 working days, after all your frivolous objections and denials were dismissed in appeal, and which has attained FINALITY.

          Also take notice that I believe that anti-national officers like yourself, acting as puppets of the nation's enemies, ought also to be reported to the National Investigation Agency (or other specialist bodies) and I shall do so if you persist with your corrupt and mis-conductive ways and don't provide me the information in hardcopy and forthwith as was directed.

          Due to the threat perception from you and your conspirators, I am circulating this email widely throughout the nation to anti-corruption activists, and with copies to all the Senior Govt functionaries, including your Dept’s Minister and the Secretary over the "NICNET" so that the true state of affairs inside the Dept of Atomic Energy is known.



(Dr Sandeep Kumar Gupta,)

General Secretary

(India Against Corruption)

1778, Sector 14, Hisar-125001, Haryana


NICnet mailing list


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