Friday, 15 February 2013

Re: [IAC#RG] INFO-NOTE: Dr. Sandeep Gupta appointed as a Gen. Secy of India Against Corruption

Thanks, I am following the growth of the IAC which is encouraging as it makes its gradual progress. It is a fine movement and I feel sad not being able to take a more active part.
Regards, Hirak Nag.

From: Sarbajit Roy <>
Sent: Thursday, 14 February 2013 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] INFO-NOTE: Dr. Sandeep Gupta appointed as a Gen. Secy of India Against Corruption

I am equally proud that Dr. Sandeep Gupta was one of the first persons in a small batch I accepted for RTI training/mentoring many years ago in our RTI group, and he was the only one of that batch to complete the short program and assignments I gave him as tests.

As Vidyut has posted we don't need many people making a big noise in public. What we need now are expert '"ninjas" who travel light and travel far to take the battle into the opposition's camp and disrupt their functioning.

Another such person is Rajinder Singh the famous environmentalist and urban planning issues crusader who is the terror for DDA and is also an IAC Local Convenor for Urban Planning issues. In one such case, and despite a not very straight judge who eventually condoned massive environmental and planning violations of the illegal Akshardham Temple on the Yamuna river-bed, our IAC hero delayed that project by 2 years and caused massive cost over-runs to the corrupt Akshardhamis who had to bribe 7 judges instead of only 2.

Samples of some ongoing anti-corruption works of our IAC heroes can be read at the forum (still in beta) by registered members.

Last month Rajinder Singh and I opposed the land mafia of Delhi, who had even brought in Mumbai's high profile architect Hafeez Contractor to pitch their case for them, for grabbing many hundreds of hectares of prime industrial land in Central Delhi for high end residential projects. Mr. Contractor did not stay to hear my counters and slunk away after making his presentation.


On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 6:17 PM, krishna kumar pande <> wrote:

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 3:26 AM, IAC INFO <> wrote:

India Against Corruption is pleased to announce that Dr. Sandeep Gupta of Hisar (Haryana) is designated as a Gen. Secy of India Against Corruption for his long-term work in pursuing corruption using Right to Information Act. Dr. Gupta is a long time member of Humjanenge RTI movement and is a member of IAC's "Save India Group" which drafted IAC's submissions to the Justice J.S.Verma Committee on amending India's Criminal laws.

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