Friday, 15 February 2013


In a democratic set up ,  the VIP/ VVIP are the Aam Admi. There should be no other person given this rank. The security and other privileges  given to the elected reps  need to be withdrawn as those are being misused for their misdeeds.Than we will be able to get the dedicated persons for election of our reps .

This practice is being followed in one of the Scandinavia country.

Brig J S Ahuja

On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 11:24 AM, SK Chadda <> wrote:
You are forgetting the most important VVIPs ......who are given status of even higher than PM. These VVIPs are uneducated with no special or specific acheivement to their credit. They are exempted from all security checks at Indian Airports, hold no Government designation, they not bureaucrats or Governers but their status are above every one in the country. They have access to top secret military and nuclear installations with all the authority but no responsibility.
SK Chadda
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 8:30 PM, Venkatraman Ns <> wrote:
                                                        WHO  ARE  THESE  VIPs  AND  VVIPs ?

When the citizens heard about the multi crore helicopter scandal, they feel unhappy on two accounts.  Of course, the citizens  feel disgusted about such multi crore scandal, that appear to have become the order of the day in India today.  The citizens are equally unhappy to know that thousands of crores of rupees are being spent for buying helicopters for the comfort of these  so called VVIPs ,  when two third of the national population is still living below poverty line.

Now, who are these VIPs and VVIPs ?   We have heard about a governor (the so called VVIP ) who was caught in sex scandal.  There are other so called VVIPs such as chief ministers , judges , senior bureaucrats, members of parliament and assemblies who face charges of  corruption of Himalayan proportions and lack of personal morals. Now , we have another so called VVIP, who is the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha, being accused of rape charges. With little  thoughts and concern  for the plight of the poor and downtrodden, these so called VIPs and VVIPs and many times their family members  enjoy  huge security cover and luxurious travel and stay  at the cost of the exchequer.

Should the  tax payer's hard earned money be spent for the comforts of these  so called  VIPs  and VVIPs,  most of whom appear to be looters of national  income  and face grave charges in the courts.

The term VIPs and VVIPs are nothing but anachronism in a democratic society. Possibly, those who deserve the title as VIPs and VVIPs are the farmers toiling in the agricultural lands, workers operating in the shop floor of industries and scientists and technologists toiling in the research stations etc.

On the other hand, today, these so called VIPs  VVIPs have come to  represent the symbol  of everything undesirable and  national hatred.
Nandini Voice for The Deprived

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