Tuesday, 23 April 2013

[IAC#RG] Foreign financed disinformation haramis.

Arvind (the Magsaysay boy wonder who spent 20 exclusive years in Delhi continually gathering information for the CIA) is back to his little foreign financed disinformation tricks along  with the rest of the CIA's travelling circus of retired jokers (Ramdas, M.G Devasahaym et. al)


This time Batman and the boy wonder rely upon a fake document attributed to some "Citizens of India Against Corruption" at A-17 Niti Bagh New Delhi 110049 with Manish Agrawal (Secy General) which MG.Devasahyam swallowed hook line and sinker and filed in the High Court (like the "line of succession" theory the CIA cooked up for Devasahyam to file in the Supreme Court).

Everything from the address to the phone numbers of this so-called "Citizens of India Against Corruption" are fake.

Before these pots start calling the kettle black (we are not at all saying that Mr. Neeraj Kumar is an honest man) the dynamic duo should remember AUTHENTIC little pieces like this


Where Brig Ujjal Dasgupta was nabbed with steganographic software installed on his laptop to upload files relating to a Project Anveshak which he had copied onto pen drive and where Mr Prashant Bhushan was defending the accused. Previously the entire foreign financed NCPRI RTI spy brigade - Shekhar Singh, CHRI etc had appeared for this CIA mole in RAW,  including at Tihar jail, to help him misuse RTI claiming human rights violations. Prashant Bhushan is himself a life member of NCPRI.

16. It was urged by Mr. Bhushan that irrespective of whether the Petitioner is or is not able to access or produce information in his defence in the trial, as long as he has made allegations of human rights violations against the RAW, the information sought by him under the RTI Act cannot be denied. This Court is unable to accept the above submission.


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