Monday, 22 April 2013

[IAC#RG] Preamble to IAC's draft manifesto

The sole objective of the India Against Corruption jan andolan is to rid the Greater Indian nation of corruption wherever found by all means necessary.

v.1.000 (draft)
Document Date: 22-April-2013


    This manifesto is being promulgated by India Against Corruption ("IAC") so every honest Indian should read the whole of it and circulate it among his friends.

1.1     Whereas, the Constitution of India has established a democratic Republic and thereby assured to IAC's adherents (in exchange for their lives) certain promises which the Union of India is now hereby called upon to specifically deliver unto them. These unfulfilled and undelivered promises, which IAC shall pursue relentlessly with revolutionary zeal to honor its martyrs and national heroes, include :-

(a) Inclusive minimal non-intrusive governance, free of foreign rule, premised upon the primacy of the individual over the State

(b) Life, liberty, security and justice for every Indian without discrimination.

(c) A secular socialist Republic of India rooted in the principles of science, equality and merit for continuous national progression.

(d) Integrity, Accountability and Transparency in every aspect of the Republic's functioning.

(e) A fast, free and fair judicial system without which the Republic cannot exist.

1.2     And whereas, it would be relevant to recall at the outset the sacrifices of the martyrs of the Hindustan Republican Association ("HRA"), the revolutionary precursor of IAC, whose own Manifesto and Constitution of 1924 listed some goals of the movement as under :-

(a) To denounce and drive out foreign rulers from India along with their imperialist lackeys. As foreigners have no right to rule over Hindustanis, their empires and dynasties must be expelled.

(b) To establish and preserve a federal Republic of United States of India by organized militias of well armed patriots.

(c) A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free Republic, the basic right of the people of Hindustan to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A national duty is cast on every citizen of the Republic to be trained in the use of the most powerful weapons available, especially the indigenously designed and manufactured weapons, but all such arms and training shall only be kept and used to preserve or defend the Republic.

(d) The basic principle of the Republic will be abolition of all systems which make the exploitation of man by man possible. The final constitution of the Republic shall be framed and declared at a time when India is actually free of exploitation.

(e) To foster the spirit of cooperation for economic and social welfare on as large a scale as possible. The railways and other means of transportation and communication, the banks, hospitals, schools, mines and other kinds of very great industries such as the manufacture of power, steel & ships all these shall be nationalised.

(f) In the Republic each citizen shall have the "right to recall" his representative, if so desired, in a fast and practical manner otherwise democracy shall become a mockery.

(g) For the Republic, following the footsteps of great Indian Rishis of the glorious past, to grant whatever rights the different communities may demand, provided they do not clash with the interests of other communities and they lead ultimately to hearty and organic union in different communities in the near future.

(h) To establish the truth, and preach it, that the world is not 'Maya', an illusion to be ignored and despised at, but that it is the manifestation of the one individual soul, the supreme source of all power, all knowledge and all beauty.

1.3     And whereas, in consonance with the HRA's mandate and especially the HRA's prime mandate against foreign imperialism, the IAC is of the firm view that conditions again dictate that Hindustan's patriots must defend the Republic of India with their oft demonstrated revolutionary zeal so as to preserve the Republic for themselves and the future generations.

1.4     And whereas, reaffirming from the HRA's manifesto that 'Chaos is necessary to the birth of a new star', the IAC firmly believes the current political, economic and socio-religious order is completely vitiated by corruption and requires to be uprooted and turned around to restore the individual's primacy over the State and for Hindustan's most ancient moral values and religious precepts to be reestablished.

1.5     And whereas, In the face of the deep and pervasive corruption which rots every fibre of the national fabric, the IAC firmly rejects and denounces the dishonest palliative cosmetic measures, such as overarching 'Lokpals', being proposed for India's acceptance through some former, now expelled, members of the IAC movement.

1.6     And whereas, the IAC looks forward to attracting millions of open minded liberal and empowered citizens to join the patriotic reform movement against corruption, decaying governance and lost morals.

1.7     And whereas, though the IAC is apolitical the movement will have political implications as IAC is against the current political order, the IAC achieves its basic objectives by the following tested approaches

• Peaceful representations by statutory, legal and Constitutional means,

• Reformist agitation to amend poor laws, administrative systems or social institutions when peaceful representations go unattended,

• Revolutionary action to overcome tyranny when both peaceful and reformist methods go ignored.

The IAC reaffirms its strict adherence to those secular, socialist and liberal values as are enshrined in the Constitution of India. The IAC while rejecting 'non-violence', 'Gandhigiri' and 'satyagraha' as the hypocrisy of Corruption's minions, however, abjures (as being 'Swaraj') the use of violence and force of arms in the first instance.
Now, therefore, it is expedient and necessary for the IAC to provide a honest Republic to those citizens who desire to have it.

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