Monday, 1 April 2013

Re: [IAC#RG] The ONE issue for the IAC movement.

This is an informative report! Kudos.

The majority viewpoints should be a part of the note which includes the discussions.

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On 01-Apr-2013, at 7:03, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:

Dear Subscribers

A summary of IAC members viewpoints for further discussion.

Vidyut Kale
1 nail = figuring out self-sustainability at the grassroots regardless of imposed circumstances. Supporting with attacking harmful policy. (15 words)

supplemented with
"India against Vampirism."
(Enough blood suckers feeding on the vulnerable.)

1) Attacking harmful policy
2) Determining tenacious self-sustainable grassroot models.

2 Nail : Simplify the running of the country to the point any citizen can understand and engage. All aspects.
"India against Obscurism"

P.Mohana Chandran:
India Against Dishonesty- Be honest to yourself-Respect those who serve- Never respect a person who occupy a Chair which he do not deserve to occupy-Never respect a person merely on account of his wealth-Why some one desires to heap wealth by illegal / improper means ? Money will wipe out his unpleasant past..Let us start respecting persons for their knowledge,efficiency etc. This applies to all human beings.Let it be "World Against Dishonesty"

Tadepalli Triambakakishore
One Nail :    Select model for community building of  Indians to  be Against  Corruption .Select from various models viz; Temple/ church/railways/armed forces

Devender Chopra

1 Nail=  Governance by a single PM, apply laws to control corruption, rest will chopra in gurgaon

Pavan Nair
India against inequity. Whether caste or gender or religion or wealth based. Elimination of hunger and poverty and female foeticide. Twenty words! Pavan Nair

Raminder Singh

"India Against INDIANS"
(Dogs and Indians not allowed)
Eliminate bigotry, hatred, ignorance, corruption, discrimination, houses of worship, leaders, followers, media, lawyers, political parties. Instill morality, Dharma, transparency, accountability.. (20 words) Raminder

Rustom Dalal

1 Nail= Complete integrity in all activists to inspire a thousand others.Only practice will inspire followers.We  cant change others. Only ourselves. R R DALAL

Sarbajit Roy
1 Nail = The right of the people to form Militias and keep and bear arms to ensure a secure, free and well regulated State, shall not be infringed.

2 Nail = Indian Polity to
a) Rise above religion
b) Abolish all reservations incl. for elections.
c) Promote merit and a level playing field
d) Give enhanced facilities, education or incentives to socially backward individuals to allow them to advance

3 Nail : The "-1" vote (or right to reject / blackball any candidate)

Past Discussions:

India's problems

1) Absence of Democracy (people's direct participation).
2) Lack of proper governance to favour corporates, cronies and scamsters.
3) Criminalisation of society, coupled with breakdown of law and order.
4) Tensions on our borders, with weakened Armed Forces
5) Dynastic family rule and all pervasive Gandhi-ism
6) Complete breakdown of societal values, education & health delivery systems
7) Rampant corruption in the judiciary
8) Inadequate and crumbling infrastructure
9) Systematic grabbing of land and other natural resources
10) Deeply corrupt media.

On the positive side

India has a great Parallel ("black") economy which holds the nation together and insulates us from the economic woes of the rest of the world..
2) India has some of the best laws on the world.
3) India has a common language (English) which is understood almost everywhere in the globe.
4) India has great people who have resisted efforts to divide them
5) India has a functioning bureaucracy of sorts.
6) India has a young population and lack of social security systems..
7) Indians have a "can do" entrepreneurial spirit recognised the world over.
8) India has Bharat to back it up.
9) India has a plurality of faiths,  cultures and value systems.
10) India still has reasonably fair electoral processes.

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