Tuesday, 27 November 2012

[IAC++] Cash Subsidy Scheme through Aadhar - Too Little Too Late

Dear Honorable Friends,

Today's announcement that from 01 Jan 2013, cash subsidy disbursement would be done to BPL people based on Aadhar UIDs into their bank accounts is a great move indeed. The cash subsidy scheme being successfully followed in Brazil has been the motivation for India also to try the same. This is a welcome step.

Here is a much more serious and bigger question. When the government wants to dole out freebies to the people, our honorable PM, FM and the entire machinery gears up and wants to show to the people that they would get money in their bank accounts and then exploit this in the election campaigns that we gave this cash subsidy scheme to the nation.

Look at the real intent. Our National e Governance Plan (NeGP)  2003 is under implementation for last 9 years through the Central and State ITs and we all have seen its slipshod progress in even as routine a function like passport making and renewal. No minister ever, leave aside the honorable  PM, has ever bothered to even come any where near it but all ministers come together running for cash subsidy scheme under Aadhar, announce it on TV, get after the blood of all babus, monitor the implementation themselves just because election is around. Contrast this with what the top 40 nations do. Their PMs/Presidents, the heads of state, actually take charge and virtually take over their NeGPs and in a time bound manner see through the implementation which has rid those nations of 90 % corruption permanently. 

Sensing the crescendo of corruption in our country and actually learning how top 40 nations have arrested their corruption, we came out with the proposition in Oct 2010 and shared with a number of ministries like MICT (DoT, DITE), TRAI, PMO etc as articulated at the URL     

We may share this again with the honorable PM through this forum of IAC for his consideration adn request him to shoulder this national responsibility of ensuring the time bound implementation of upgraded NeGP 2012 just like he did for nuclear deal.

Jai Hind.

With warm regards,

Col Mahesh Khera

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