Thursday, 29 November 2012

Re: [IAC++] Dear Arvind

It's good to know that Mr.Sarabjit is neither part of AAP nor part of Team Anna.

Vande Mataram!

Dr Prahalathan KK


"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history." - Mahatma Gandhi

On 29 November 2012 17:47, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
Dear Mr Modi

I am writing this email to exactly clarify the situation and the status of this mailing list and the future of the IAC movement (and if persons like you have any future in IAC)

Firstly, I am given to understand that  "India Against Corruption" is a duly registered body with unimpeachable pedigree of over 75 years. It is registered.and maintained by Hindustan Republican Association - an ancient body of freedom fighters and violent revolutionaries which included many martyrs and shahids like Surendranath Sanyal, Rajendra Lahiri, Bhagat Singh, Pt. Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashfaqullah Khan etc. 

You will notice from these names that there are no banias, vaishyas, kejriwals or modis in these names of martrys. This is probably because it is such commercial castes and sub-castes who are concerned with money, profits, branding and franchising. This caste to which persons, like so-called "Mahatma" Mohandas Gandhi was from, was also at the forefront of "financing" the non-violent collaborators of the British who got our great nation divided into 3 pieces. (NB: This is not my view, but that of the HRA of which I am not a member)

Secondly, Arvind Kejriwal & Co.were allowed to use name of India Against Corruption by its owners for a specific purpose and a specific time. They did not adhere to either.

Thirdly, Arvind & Co. set up "BRANDING" units to encash the IAC brand.
Who are these people ? Who allowed them to set up their "franchise". When it came to knowledge of HRA, strict action was taken and accounts demanded from Arvind & Co for misusing IAC's "NAME" for commercial profit.

Fourthly, when Arvind & Co, could not render accounts, and it was independently ascertained that money collected from donations was CORRUPTLY  being used for holiday trips to South Africa and Greece. For gambling at Sun City, For investing in Emu farms which promised to double money in 11 months etc  the HRA had no option but to take back its name.

Fifthly: The IAC today is NOT a commercial organisation. Nobody is allowed to collect even 1 rupee in IAC's name. If Anna Hazare wants to rejoin IAC, he will have to give in writing that no money will be collected in IAC's name.

Sixthly, the IAC mailing list has been an open and transparent mailing list. Genuine mails are circulated uncensored. Frank and open discussion culture is encouraged in the new IAC. Unfortunately this facility it is being misused by a few agents of the expelled faction to sow distrust. Steps may be taken to restore order and discipline.

Lastly, in so far as your own situation is concerned. I draw your attention to the email of 26.Oct.2012 from Ajay Dixit on the old IAC mailing list which was hacked. It clearly recognised only IAC Bundelkhand headed by Krishna Gandhi (Krisha Garments)  Your name/ID was added to the list on priority  because you had contacted the list. Your name/ID was not previously registered with IAC. We don't know who you are.

The aim of India Against Corruption is very clear and direct. Those who don't like it are very strongly encouraged to leave.

"The sole objective of the India Against Corruption 'jan andolan' is to rid the Greater Indian nation of corruption wherever it is found by whatever means necessary"

National Convenor
India Against Corruption

On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 4:22 PM, CA Ujjawal Modi <> wrote:
Dear All, please take special note of the words boldmarked and underlined. This mailing list is of some commercial organisation and has nothing to do with the causes and problems and issues of the masses.

<<Dear Mr Budhlani

1) Arvind & Co. were allowed the use of the brand "India Against
for a specific purpose and a specific time.

2) That time is over, and they have stopped using IAC. You can verify
this by visiting (Do it soon !)

3) Now India Against Corruption is exclusively with Hindustan Republic
Association. The IAC franchise is being actively managed by
"Humjanenge" team with inputs from many former IAC
members/coordinators who do not agree with political party plans of
Arvind & Co.

4) For instance, serving public servants cannot be members of a
political party especially a rabidly communal and sectarian setup as
Arvind & Co were attempting for IAC.

5) Who is Anna Hazare ? We don't know him. What are his credentials
for fighting against corruption. Arvind & Co only brought him in much
later to pull in the crowds and get TV exposure. He was hired at Rs. 2
lakhs per day. Anna is only an actor and IAC does not recognise him.

(NB: Aamir Khan was asking for 1 crore per day)

6) If Anna wants to be part of IAC in future he must state in writing
that no money will be collected in name of IAC by him or any person on
his behalf. We may then consider his request.

National Convenor
India Against Corruption.>>

On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 3:34 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
> Dear Mr Budhlani
> 1) Arvind & Co. were allowed the use of the brand "India Against
> Corruption" for a specific purpose and a specific time.
> 2) That time is over, and they have stopped using IAC. You can verify
> this by visiting (Do it soon !)
> 3) Now India Against Corruption is exclusively with Hindustan Republic
> Association. The IAC franchise is being actively managed by
> "Humjanenge" team with inputs from many former IAC
> members/coordinators who do not agree with political party plans of
> Arvind & Co.
> 4) For instance, serving public servants cannot be members of a
> political party especially a rabidly communal and sectarian setup as
> Arvind & Co were attempting for IAC.
> 5) Who is Anna Hazare ? We don't know him. What are his credentials
> for fighting against corruption. Arvind & Co only brought him in much
> later to pull in the crowds and get TV exposure. He was hired at Rs. 2
> lakhs per day. Anna is only an actor and IAC does not recognise him.
> (NB: Aamir Khan was asking for 1 crore per day)
> 6) If Anna wants to be part of IAC in future he must state in writing
> that no money will be collected in name of IAC by him or any person on
> his behalf. We may then consider his request.
> Sarbajit
> National Convenor
> India Against Corruption.


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