Monday 26 November 2012

Re: [IAC++] Dear Arvind

Dear Anil

Great to hear from you after all these years (35 yrs ?) Never knew that you were into this IAC type stuff (we probably got it from studying Moral Science). People like us can engineer a solution.


On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 12:06 AM, Anil Bahl <> wrote:



Intent is an important start. Talk is a follow up. But what is crucial is the WALK. Good people do what they say – they WALK THE TALK!


Most importantly, let us not be judgmental of anyone, especially when each one of us (including myself) does several wrong things every day (from telling white lies, to bribing a cop to bunking a red signal to losing our cool, to hatred for many)


Do not judge, for each one of us shall surely be judged when our time comes.


God bless and transform this Nation.



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