Thursday, 22 November 2012



Due to family exigencies, and/or festival holidays and/or political party formation etc etc.. Ajay Dixit and the rest of the volunteer team who run this mailing list are unavailable for the next 1 week.

Accordingly, I and the co-mods of
HumJanenge shall be moderating this list till they return.

Please note: We are only "moderators" to evaluate which emails go through to list subscribers. As such, we cannot unsubscribe members or change their settings/preferences.

So for next 1 week don't send emails asking to be unsubscribed from this list
. Use the link at the bottom of this message instead. Even better try and send as few emails to this list as possible during the next week, as it will be crowded with PR releases from all sides/flavours of the IAC.

Lastly, this is a neutral list. We don't care who / how / if anyone chooses to call himself IAC / India Against Corruption or not. There is no monopoly on the brand name. I coined the phrase on 10,Feb.2007 as a protest against "Arvind Kejriwal's CIC tout-shop".  Dr. Sanyal claims that IAC is his registered organization etc. since 1937 to violently expel corrupt foreign elements from India to achieve True Swaraj . These are all matters for the courts to sort out eventually, till then we should pull on together ("adjust") to give a safe and decent country to the coming generations.

We'll also be introducing you to some of IAC's main anti-corruption strategists  in the coming week.

PS:  Please trim your message posts and avoid short/pointless replies (eg. Thanks,  I agree with you, How are you old boy my mobile no. is xxxx ...). 


National Convenor
India Against Corruption, Jan Andolan

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