Hello friends Nicely put the issue in its right perspective. Corruption is prevailing in everybody's heart exhibited by ones actions in the society. In one of the study materials for political science I could come across with a question put at large by Dijon University which was answaered by renouned philosofer Rousseo. The question was "whether the advances made in science and different sectors of society helped to improve the quality of human beings?". (need not be exact word by word.) The timing was the post industrial revolution period. He answered in the negative. No it has not improved the quality of human beings moreover it has been indirectly proportional which means when you get more and more awareness under scientific and other means humane qualities go down in an indirectly proportional manner. So the effect of modern education in our day to day dealings and behavior are not on the desired levels of humane qualities - love, affection ,concern for others, social attitudes and things like that. No wonder we could get only such stuffs from our educational system which are more material centric than spiritual so much so spiritual qualities will never get in to the thought process. Human beings are guided by the way in which the thought process is developed in each individual. Spiritual qualities can be imbibed only from religious teachings which are considered as the greatest sin to be discarded in the so called 'modern society' based on 'secular' ideals . The dictionory meaning of the word 'secular' is - having no connection with religion -. The anticorruption movement itself is attracting lots of criticism which is growing to the extent of weakening the very movement itself. Probably this may be the clever move by vested interests who enjoy the fruits of allpervading corruption to discredit the mass movement by creating confusion at all levels. So it is a question of shaping one's mindset as the first step towards fighting corruption. Progress in science and technology should be made as tools for maximising the growth with humane qualities. What we try to develop today is nothing but selfishness, perversion and sadism which are all fertile grounds for corruption. Dr.M.C.GEORGE,ADVOCATE,INFAM(IndianFarmersMovement)National Trustee. --- On Fri, 23/11/12, Krishnan Kutty <mpkkutty@gmail.com> wrote:
Friday, 23 November 2012
Re: [IAC++] from MPK Kutty
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