Thursday, 22 November 2012

Re: [IAC++] How Denmark has curbed corruption? c link

Dear Mahesh,
Permit me to address you thus.
Deterrence - you hit the nail on its head.
Honestly as an Indian I am convinced we work very well under the threat of a whip. ( I do not mean the one which Sadam or Gaddafi wielded but something like what Mr Seshan used to- Workaholic brazen when needed and assertive)
  Alas that whip has disappeared.
Today a Government Official does not have that sword hanging on his head and is answerable to no one not even God.
I am told by a colleague a native of Bihar that Shri Nitish Kumar has implemented what he said to his Officers. A senior Police Officer could not account for a building in his name. It was taken over and converted into a school which is functioning well. 
I am not aware of what punishment that Officer was awarded for dispassionate assets case besides confiscation of the building. I have no doubt that this action will have a profound effect. 
As for me besides the example I gave regarding the birth certificate my minuscule  effort is to try and convince my colleagues and friends to accept harassment but avoid giving a bribe. We have started with the cops and the municipal authorities.Also wherever possible spread the word of what Anna has done through RTI and what Shri Kejriwal has done and is trying to do. Lets hope we can convert at least 100 thinking Indians- that is the target till June 2013.
Wish us luck   

On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 10:01 AM, Mahesh Khera <> wrote:
Dear Mr Mathew, surely, change of heart is the best way which also gets accelerated when people see the deter rant dangling in front of them. We need a combination of deter rant and motivation. How come PSU banking could rid even the illiterate person of corruption in as mundane function as pass book update ? It is automation. NeGP now has the potential to arrest the inkling for greed in a person which is No 1 motive for corruption. This is what has made 26 EU countries rank in top 26 in global least corrupt index. Change of heart made EU not to attack each other but not becoming a least corrupt nation.
Warm regards, Mahesh Khera
Sent from my BlackBerry® on Airtel

-----Original Message-----
From: Mathew Peedikayil <>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2012 09:00:40
To: Jawahar Desai<>
Cc:<>; Mahesh Khera<>; arun joshi<>
Subject: Re: [IAC++] How Denmark has curbed corruption? c link

 People in India have tried every means to eradicate corruption
without success, and now we have people like you who are there to
prevent the one method that works without even understanding it. Thank
For your information, it is not religion that changes a nation, and
the countries you quoted are not even 'Christian'.
It is when people individually and collectively have a change of heart
that a nation changes, as it happened in Europe.
Repentance and turning away from corrupt practices go together, and it
is a matter of the person's heart as Arun Joshi correctly pointed out.
It is not about following rituals or religion!

Mathew S P

On 11/22/12, Jawahar Desai <> wrote:
> Dear Shri Mathew Peedikayil / Shri Vishal Mangalwadi,
> Let us not bring a particular religion into this. Everyone has their own
> faith/belief, or none, and this is not a forum for proselytisation.
> Anyway, your point is highly debatable to say the least. Completely almost
> 100% "Bible-following" countries like Greece and Russia are highly corrupt.
> Whereas secular and very less religious countries like Denmark and Sweden
> are not at all corrupt. And non so-called "Biblical" countries like
> Singapore are among the most transparent.
> India is fortunate to have a clear separation of Church and State, let's
> keep it that way. The last thing we want is to become is a place like Saudi
> Arabia or Iran, or even a milder version like Russia, where there is no
> tolerance, leave alone respect, for diverse beliefs.
> Respectfully,
> Jawahar
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Mathew Peedikayil <>
>> Date: November 21, 2012 4:11:42 AM EST
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [IAC++] How Denmark has curbed corruption? c link
>> Reply-To:
>> Arun Joshi has hit the nail on the problem... our heart. No matter what
>> the technology, the human mind can devise ways to fool it.
>> That is why a change of heart is most important.
>> The only thing that has ever worked is what changed Europe: The
>> Reformation, which started with Martin Luther.
>> The great challenge of every civilization and culture throughout world
>> history has been to find a source of meaning, a ground from which it can
>> act. Some societies have looked to many local and regional gods. Others
>> have postulated that life's goal is to achieve oneness with the absolute
>> nothingness that constitutes ultimate reality. Still others have looked to
>> esoteric philosophic and religious mysteries. However, each of these has
>> failed to provide the basis for a lasting and ascendant civilization.
>> But the only civilization that has looked largely to the Bible for its
>> inspiration, the West, has been able to conquer human cruelty,
>> hopelessness and degradation with such success that it has become the envy
>> of the rest of the world.
>> Vishal Mangalwadi
>> On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 1:32 PM, arun joshi <>
>> wrote:
>> Dear Col Khera,
>> Pardon the interruption.
>> I was fortunate to attend a course MMA (ADP) in 1987 (Middle Management
>> appreciation- automated data processing) There was one prayer our
>> instructors recited daily.........
>> "Gentlemen ,these systems as they evolve are support systems. Remember it
>> is absolutely essential for the man behind the machine to be true to his
>> job.
>> I fully subscribe to your views of e governance. It will assist in
>> reducing corruption to a discernible extent. However not until our genes
>> (especially Govt servants) are completely overhauled would we see an
>> improvement.
>> I am presently struggling to obtain a birth certificate. Struggling
>> because I refused to pay the Lady Rs 1000/-. RTI and a personal interview
>> with the Commissioner of the City has not helped as yet.
>> Nevertheless I have not yet lost hope.
>> With Regards
>> On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 4:16 PM, Mahesh Khera <> wrote:
>> Dear M/s Kris and Iftikhar,
>> We must thank you for bringing out such live examples to the people of
>> India. I am happy to see this as also the curiosity of the people as to
>> when a small democratic country like Denmark can be No 1 least corrupt
>> country then India the world's greatest democracy can also be similar.
>> I must share with you that in Oct 2010, in a seminar on mobile broadband,
>> I brought out that Denmark has achieved No 1 rank in least corrupt index
>> due to their commitment to implement their national e governance program.
>> The two secys to the government of India were on the chair. Secy DoT just
>> dismissed me that I do not know any thing that India has a National E
>> Governance Plan (NeGP) 2005 and this is under implementation. The other
>> gentleman, Chairman TRAI did appreciate what I said and he was of the
>> opinion that India seriously needs to look at what Denmark has done. For
>> Danish NeGP, they have had huge broadband penetration in the country over
>> which their NeGP, inter-alia,  touching upon every national infrastructure
>> project right from e-RFP, to e-tendering, e-bidding, e-purchase order,
>> e-implementation monitoring and e-operations monitoring has been included.
>> You can imagine our NeGP 2005, the less said the better. We had 2G scam,
>> CWG scam, Coal scam, host of mining, land, power scams and so on. Going
>> forward, we have a $ trillion financial outlay in our 5 year plan, an
>> unlimited money for nation building and some people must be licking their
>> fingers. Suppose, we were actually implementing the real NeGP 2005, all
>> these scams would not have been there. If at all some one does then the e
>> evidence which is indelible in nature can nail the person(s) and within
>> less than a year, the guilty is/are prosecuted, sentenced and find
>> themselves in jail. Imagine, the huge deterrent which true NeGP can bring
>> to the corruption. This is what Denmark has successfully implemented.
>> I would be happy to contribute to the real India's NeGP through Telecom,
>> Media and Technology (TMT) which in conjunction with Jan Lok Pal can give
>> 90 % relief to India from corruption. For more details, would request you
>> to please click the URL
>> With warm regards,
>> Col Mahesh Khera
>> From: Kris Dev <>
>> To:;
>> Sent: Monday, 19 November 2012 11:06 AM
>> Subject: Re: [IAC++] How Denmark has curbed corruption? c link
>> Iftikar,
>> I like the way Denmark has done. Do you think it's possible in India? If
>> yes, how do we make it happen?
>> Best,
>> Kris Dev
>> 2012/11/18 Iftikhar Gilani <>
>> How Denmark is least corrupt country?
>> WWW :
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>> "He/she should not do that which he/she knows to be wrong, and suffer the
>> consequence whatever it may be, this is the key to the use of soul-force."
>> ( Hind Swaraj , p. 69).
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>> Col Arun Joshi(Veteran)
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>> Dr. Mathew S P
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Dr. Mathew S P

Col Arun Joshi(Veteran)

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