Thursday, 28 March 2013

Re: [IAC#RG] Fwd: Arvind Kejriwal's Asahayog Aandolan

Dear Navnith

I am not claiming to be inheritor (sole or otherwise) of Hindustan Republican Association. The persons who are the running  the HRA movement are somebody else, please see old postings of this list and elsewhere.

I was requested by the HRA to cleanse the IAC of all the filth left behind by some people who were meant to be using IAC banner to corner the Congress on CommonWealth Games scam but instead turned out to be agents of Congress and BJP.

HRA's struggle has always been against "imperialistic" forces - British, Italian ..... HRA doesn't believe in participation on a rigged democratic setup which favours Congress and BJP - the 2 dominant parties. HRA has no problem with adult franchise if the imbalances in the present Westminister system of voting are removed to ensure pure and direct democracy

Point about not involving aam aadmi(voters) has been replied to previously. Strategies of IAC will not be disclosed. RTI is not part of that strategy.

Core group of IAC is in public domain. They are all working separately in a coordinated manner and are all subscribers to this mailing list.

Unlike, say AAP, IAC's public ideology is very open and transparent, and is not a fuzzy document prepared in isolation. IAC's ideology is heavily influenced by HRA's well documented vision of monotheistic, anti-idolatory, secular "HINDUTVA" - shared also by many Muslims, Christians and Atheists etc.  Sanyals, Lahiris, Bismils, and Khans etc all went to gallows with name of God on their lips even though they had been brutally tortured and physically broken before that.

IAC/HRA's ideology has been evolved over 2 centuries of demonstrated armed struggle against foreign forces unlike, say, the RSS who still swagger about in public in their mock Sam Browne belts and ridiculously anachronistic knickers with a prehistoric and concocted mythical ideology.


On Thu, Mar 28, 2013  Navnit Krishnan 

Dear Sarbajit,
Your reply to Cmde. Pannu and your maverick ideas made me thinking.It will be to the benfit of all if you can throw light on some of the points.
As I know, Hindustan Republican Army was formed in 1924 in Kanpur by revolutionaries,Bismil and others with an avowed intention to organize armed revolution to overthrow the colonial rule. Nothing has been heard of this HRA after the hanging of Bismil,Asfaqullah Khan,Roshan singh and Lahiri ,transporting four to Andamans and others to lomg terms in jail  for looting the railway treasury of the 8 Dm train near Kakori in 1925.They were not paper revolutionaries.How come you are claiming to be the sole inheritor of this patriotic out fit now? And claim IAC is a small part of it.Who is the present day office bearers of the HRA and where is its office?
Since the then HRA's violent struggle was against the colonial power, how can you propogate it in a democratic state?
The then HRA's aim is to form a Government based on adult can you condemn the voters now?
How do you intend to fight corruption without involving aam aadmi(voters).
You write that India's "present day political goondaism" can only overcome by bigger goondaism.Do you know that it will end up in anarchy and our neighbours will have a field day carving out portions of our mother land.Have you not learnt anything from the centuries of servitude we have undergone.
You wrote that "IAC would rather focus on influencing governance/ bureaucracy", Can you spell out.How do you influence governance without involving the aam admi.You mean to say you intend to do it through RTIs?You should know that no revolution has succeeded without the support of the Aam Aadmi.
Most of the contributors in this portal might not have heard of IAC till Anna and others started using it without knowing that such an obscure outfit is in existence already.You got it back legally but to trumpet your triumph with India's partition and independence is megalomaiacal.
As a clarification, will you spell out who are in the core group of your IAC.Are there any office bearers? If you do not provide it,I will take it as a singleman web.Your threats to throw out or suspend people who are not asdhering to your views gives credence to my doubts.
Please enlighten us.

Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2013 07:25:41 +0530

Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Fwd: Arvind Kejriwal's Asahayog Aandolan

Dear Air Commodore Pannu

Thanks for your email which set out some issues / points lucidly.

1) The IAC forum has indeed deviated into some irrelevant branches recently because of local political trends. This is a strategic action for operational imperatives. Certain political forces are out to increase their membership base and are trying to sway / induct IAC followers and operate under IAC banners at local levels (false flag). It is also convenient for IAC that we do not want such "swingers" in our movement and want them to either leave on their own or else be unsubscribed.

2)  As per IAC, corruption is not a/the cause of India's evils but is a symptom of the several diseases which are attacking India's polity. The need is to diagnose the diseases (in simple yet precise terms), and formulate how they are to be treated separately in order of their virulence.

3)  Merely coming together with other individuals / groups because they claim to be anti-Congress or anti-BJP or anti-corruption etc is not enough. When you scratch these persons, you realise that all their talk of being "anti-corruption" has a political end which essentially translates into anti-Congressism, anti-Sonia (Christian bahu of Muslim saas), anti-Muslim, anti-Christian etc. IAC's aim is to oppose corruption in a non-political way which means WITHOUT PARTICIPATION OF THE AAM AADMI (ie. voters).

4) Today's politics of India is the politics of goondaism (thuggery). The only way to overcome this is to be an even bigger goonda. Gandhism and satyagraha is no longer going to work without a parallel supporting 'goonda' movement for protection.

5) IAC, historically,  opposes Gandhism in all its forms and developments.

6) The last point is about the role of aam aadmi / voter in this process. IAC is only a small part of a larger HRA movement. The role of IAC is to communicate ts message indirectly and interface with the "outside world" HRA does not believe in participation in the present electoral systems which are rigged, inherently as well as in their operation. IAC does not believe in chasing after the fickle Aam Aadmi (constantly shifting and swinging like a pendulum) or developing them into vote banks. IAC would rather focus on influencing governance/ bureaucracy which is as constant as the Northern Star and thereby leverage its intellectual power which is backed up by HRA's acknowledged people power..


On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 4:04 AM, T Pannu <> wrote:
Dear Shri Sarbajit Roy,
  I have been reading with interest the mails to/from IAC. As I understand, IAC's main thrust should be against corruption, which is the root cause of all ills in our country. I am pleased to admit that you have been spending lot of your time and energy and thereby trying your best to move in the right direction. However, lately I have started getting an impression that you often tend to deviate from the main issue. Let us be honest to admit that we are all fall guys and Annaji, Arvind Kejriwal etc are no exception. In this context, the points/observations made by  Shri Kalyanam Sundaresan, Shri CA R. Pareek, Shri Navnith Krishnan, Shri KR Pravesh (for the time being limiting only to these four) are quite valid and need serious consideration by you, in particular and IAC, in general.
    I am entering the discussion for the first time and would prefer to say only this much. It would be gracious to let go some of the differences with individuals (genuinely fighting against corruption) and utilise their energies for whatever they are worth. Please remember, United we stand but divided we fall. That is what the present corrupt Govt is cashing on. You can defeat their designs only thru electoral process.
    Lastly, kindly appreciate that the common man, who has the voting power doesnt have the luxury of being on internet; hence to reach him, you need to adopt some other approaches, which some individuals are doing.
   Wishing you success in your mission.
  Tanpat Pannu
  Air Commodore (Retd)
  Presently in San Francisco


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