Saturday, 30 March 2013

Re: [IAC#RG] Shanti Bhushan in Sanjay Dutt's Defence !

Dear All,
India has a Constituition ,India has it's Law. India is a law abiding Country.People,in general,follow law of the land.
Any exception carved out for a celebrity is bound to have it's repercussions.It will have very wide effect.The effect is presently not foreseen.In INDIA keeping arms or any part of it is punishable ,if there is no licence for it.Keeping a single live cartridge,without licence, is also punishable. Even in some part of INDIA keeping a knife above the size of permissible length is punishable. AK56 is not such a weapon which is required for self defence. Licence of some other arms were already in the name of Sanjai.If such a defence is allowed it will be open to all.

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 6:32 PM, Rakshpal Abrol <> wrote:
Have you heard the name of Subhash Chandra Bose?He was declared criminal under Arms Act.
He was not terrorist.He was not extremist. Under the IPC  he was issued
The Government continued the same Act,even after independent,Why?
Pandit Nehru and Mahatama Gandhi were not having any good relation with Shri Subhash Chandra Bose,who had difference of opinion with
Pandit Nehru and Gandhi.
Late Shri Sunil Dutt was a person, came to Mumbai after partition.He formed a group called Ajanta Arts.This group was entertaining our Defence  personnel at our Borders. They had ignored their family members for the sake of Nation Unity.
His son has not done anything wrong in the country. However the Judiciary has not changed  the methodology as Parliament has not enacted any law to protect the country from the laws framed by the Britishers in 1834 & IPC -1860. 

Warm regards,
Rakshpal Abrol
Consumer Activist

From: naveen tewari <>
Sent: Thursday, 28 March 2013 7:36 PM
Subject: [IAC#RG] Shanti Bhushan in Sanjay Dutt's Defence !

Dear All,

Shanti Bhushan has certainly gone beyond senility and is showing signs of Dementia. His long article in the Hindu of 26th march is the latest example of that. Here he is with all his remnant legal acumen misplaced to the hilt, arguing for a summary reprieve for Sanjay Dutt. In this venture mr. Bhushan quoted the judgment of the supreme court wherein the court has mentioned that Sanjay Dutt's reason for possessing those prohibited guns and arsenal was self defence. Mr. Bhushan argues that it is not a crime to defend oneself even if the ammunition possessed by one is without licence. 

What a wonderful logic by this legal luminary who was once our Law Minister. I can only feel ashamed as an Indian that people of such calibre find there way to top positions in the country where they can play with the destiny of the people of this country. I am also deeply distressed that such people still manage to find a place in the public discourse no matter what level of atrophy their brain has reached. 

The Hindu, my most favourite newspaper, is also springing surprises like these every now and then.

I request you all to read this article by Shanti Bhushan and react to it.


naveen tewari

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