Saturday, 30 March 2013

Re: [IAC#RG] Shanti Bhushan in Sanjay Dutt's Defence !

Dear Mr Tewari,
Am intimidate by your sweeping ridicule of journalists. It reminds me of Justice Katju's comments that most Indians are fools and journalists illiterates.
On the Sanjay issue Bhushan keeps company with Katju. On his disdain for journos you keep company with him.
Not that makes a petulant twosome.

From: Naveen Tewari []
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 03:47 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Shanti Bhushan in Sanjay Dutt's Defence !
Dear Mr. Sharma, 

Nothing bars shanti Bhushan from having an opinion. But being one of the senior most member of the Bar and ex Law minister, he should be responsible and true to his profession. If senility is blurring his vision of jurisprudence somebody should tell him that. I was expecting Prashant Bhushan to do that but he is also blinded by too much media glare to retain his sanity. His remarks about Kashmiris was a proof of that. 

Of course we can not expect senior journalists of the country to perform any such task since they have already stopped thinking, reflecting and honestly expressing themselves. 

Naveen Tewari

Sent from my iPhone

On २९-०३-२०१३, at ५:२१ अपराह्न, "" <> wrote:

The fact that Shanti Bhushan is a former law minister does not bar him from taking a view on an issue under debate. A section of -Indians are talking like medieval Romans on the Sanjay Dutt issue. Their penchant to see blood is scary.
From: Naveen Tewari []
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 05:14 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Shanti Bhushan in Sanjay Dutt's Defence !
Dear sabajit, 

Was there any attack on him or any member of his family? His father had the courage to take the long walk to Punjab appealing for peace at the height of Khalistan movement! This delinquent perceived a threat from unknown people and quarters which made him hobnob with the most dreaded criminals and anti national persons who had declared a war against the Indian state and now our ex Law Minister , in the August company of an ex supreme court Judge with an inimitable knack for shooting from the hip, is campaigning for his acquittal after conviction! generations to come will never cease to be baffled about this new legal Fiction of self defence. 

Naveen tewari 
Sent from my iPhone

On २९-०३-२०१३, at १:५५ पूर्वाह्न, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:

Dear Naveen

Shri Shanti Bhushan has laid down the LAW.
You can argue with Mr. Bhushan but you cannot argue with the LAW.

If the State fails to protect a person, he is in his rights to acquire ALL MEANS REQUIRED TO DEFEND HIS LIFE

Mr,. Bhushan ECHOES IAC when we stand for right to bear arms freely and defend ourselves.

Mr. Bhushan's legal basis is IDENTICAL with IAC's because IPC is a 150 year old law almost as old as IAC (or Mr. Bhushan)


On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 7:36 PM, naveen tewari <> wrote:
Dear All,

Shanti Bhushan has certainly gone beyond senility and is showing signs of Dementia. His long article in the Hindu of 26th march is the latest example of that. Here he is with all his remnant legal acumen misplaced to the hilt, arguing for a summary reprieve for Sanjay Dutt. In this venture mr. Bhushan quoted the judgment of the supreme court wherein the court has mentioned that Sanjay Dutt's reason for possessing those prohibited guns and arsenal was self defence. Mr. Bhushan argues that it is not a crime to defend oneself even if the ammunition possessed by one is without licence. 

What a wonderful logic by this legal luminary who was once our Law Minister. I can only feel ashamed as an Indian that people of such calibre find there way to top positions in the country where they can play with the destiny of the people of this country. I am also deeply distressed that such people still manage to find a place in the public discourse no matter what level of atrophy their brain has reached. 

The Hindu, my most favourite newspaper, is also springing surprises like these every now and then.

I request you all to read this article by Shanti Bhushan and react to it.


naveen tewari

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