Thursday, 28 March 2013


The idea /line of thought is very logical and may prove very effective to achieve the desired effect provided the constitutionally empowered individuals as metioned,rise
above their " managing" expertise and  utilise the vested authority to justify their position  for the welfare of the nation.
On 27 March 2013 22:03, Brig V A Subramanyam <> wrote:
The pity is that the ECs are mostly former bureaucrats. TNS, once a bureaucrat himself, changed overnight after he became CEC. But that also was watered down when PVN added two more ECs.

By and large, ECs due to their inherent background, who are expertise in managing and NOT in leading, do not walk the extra mile, which they can easily do. That requires qualities which they possibly have, but have never exploited.  

All we can hope for, is that they will do it sooner than later.....

Best Wishes.

== Subramanyam 

On 27 March 2013 19:41, Venkatraman Ns <> wrote:


India Agaisnt Corruption

                                                                                      HOW TO WEED OUT CRIMINALS FROM PARLIAMENT AND ASSEMBLIES ?

The pre condition to eliminate corruption in India is to prevent the corrupt persons and criminals from entering parliament and assemblies.  How to achieve this end ?

It  is not possible to defeat them in the polls,  in view of their extensive money power and muscle power and criminal ridden political parties skilfully aligning between themselves as one front or the other and leaving the citizens with no choice other than voting to  any one of the corruption ridden front.

The obvious solution is to prevent the corrupt persons and criminals from contesting the elections at all. The Chief Election Commissioner has correctly said that those against whom criminal charges have been admitted in the court for hearing should not be allowed to contest the elections.  But, the Chief Election Commissioner appears to conveniently think that  the Government of India should  do this by passing appropriate  law, which would never happen with so many criminals and corrupt persons now sitting in the parliament.  Certainly, Chief Election Commissioner would also know this  !

Obviously, the Election Commissioners do not realise that the Election Commission has the residual and inherent power  to ban such persons from contesting the polls, since the Election Commission has been given the responsibility by the Constitution to ensure free and fair polls.  Banning the corrupt and criminals is the ultimate tool that the  Election Commission  would be well justified in employing  to fulfil its Constitutional responsibility of ensuring fair and free election.

What the country needs today is strong  and committed  Election Commissioners who would not feel helpless but act  towards the cause of healthy parliamentary democracy.  The Constitution makers  have given the unwritten,  inherent powers to the Election Commissions   by entrusting with  them great responsibility of ensuring free and fair elections. Today, the corrupt and criminals entering parliament and assemblies is not  in spite of Election Commission's efforts but due to its lack of efforts.


Nandini Voice for The Deprived




Take time to laugh, for it is the music of the soul.


Have a Happy and Wonderful Day.

== Subramanyam   

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