Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Re: [IAC#RG] Fwd: Arvind Kejriwal's Asahayog Aandolan

Dear Mr. Sarbajit Roy,

I beg to place the following.  

A mass awareness campaign is essential to make the Govt. to know the Public mood.  In IAC, you may have about 5000 or something around that, communicating their views on how to attack Corruption.  Are these Nos. sufficient to rouse resentment to the Govt.  The Common Man is the majority in India.  You have to reach them.  You will kindly agree with me that your Campaign against Corruption is not reaching the Common Man who are in majority and their casting of votes only going to Govern the Country.  A handful of Enlightened Citizens' vote is not going to elect the Govt.  To rouse resentment against the most corrupt Govt. the feeling of Common Man is most essential. That is what Anna Hazare and Arvind Kejriwal and his likes are doing.  You please sit with them and sort out your differences with them in the interest of the Nation which is foremost, so that the mass electorates will have a "SAY" on the formation of the Govt. in future.  

If you are really interested to root out Corruption in the Country cohesive working without mudslinging on each other, of all those fighting for Corruption is the need of the hour. UPA is very clearly playing the Card of "DIVIDE AND RULE' as followed by British. See how they have roped in NITHISH KUMAR CM, BIHAR who is an Ardent Adversary of UPA. His hatredness againstg  NARENDRA MODI, THE UPA IS ENCASHING. This kind of Dived and Rule only the British played when they came to India as a Trading Company EAST INDIA COMPANY from Burma.  They got a foothold at Burma and peeped into India like a GIRAFFE. Due to this "DIVIDE AND RULE" policy by British, India was in "Slavery" for 300 years.  Mere writing to Mr. Pranab Mukherjee or Mr. Manmohan Singh, who are there to protect the Most Corrupt any cost  or to CJ, SC and Ministers will serve any purpose.  In the coming Elections, the Most Corrupt Ruling Govts. should shown the door.  The Common Man is holding this in His/Her fingers and mind.  You must prepare this Mass Vote to translate into action to root out Corruption in the Country.  The MPs and MLAs, Councillors who get elected in the ensuing Elections should clearly get a STRONG MESSAGE THAT THEY CAN NO MORE THRIVE WITH CORRUPTION.  


Dear Moderator, please don't repeat don't ignore this Message.    

With Best Regards,

--- On Tue, 26/3/13, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:

From: Sarbajit Roy <>
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Fwd: Arvind Kejriwal's Asahayog Aandolan
To: "indiaresists" <>
Date: Tuesday, 26 March, 2013, 11:42 PM

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