Wednesday, 27 March 2013

[IAC#RG] The ONE issue for the IAC movement.

Dear CA Ramakant-ji

You have exactly hit the nail on the head.
IAC has to hit 1 (and only 1) nail and HAMMER it home.

India Against ????

Yours is exactly the statement I have been waiting for to emerge from this group, like a desert waiting for rain to come.

I have my own view on what this 1 nail should be (which I shall keep to myself for the present)

I request everyone on this list who is interested in MAKING INDIA A BETTER NATION to present their "1 nail" in not more than 20 words.


On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 1:19 AM, <> wrote:
Its time we concentrate on real issues.......let me urge everyone to stop attacking others and make some constructive comments. Why we should be concerned with AK, he is neither in power, nor powerful to influence. Let discuss ourselves what best we can do. We are a group from diverse background and skills sets. Let's put our brains and come with one burning issue relevant for IAC & its members, debate and put to action and make it relevant to India. This way we can be really India Against.
Jai Hind
CA R. Pareek

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From: Sarbajit Roy <>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2013 23:28:59
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