Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Re: [IAC#RG] Fwd: Arvind Kejriwal's Asahayog Aandolan

I love the discussions 
see sarabjit and party as a pack of jokers in the anti corruption campaign CIRCUS
Good and GO AHEAD.

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 10:26 PM, Kanan Jaswal <> wrote:
Persons like Anna Hazare and Arvind Kejriwal go on indefinite fasts too often and then after a few days their supporters start looking for some means, howsoever tenuous, to end the fasts and save their lives. In the present case too, the history will be repeated. Over the past two years, only in April 2011, Anna Hazare could end his fast on a winning note when the government had to announce formation of a joint drafting committee for legislation on the Jan Lokpal. That no such joint draft bill could come out of the months-long deliberation of the committee is a different matter!

Kanan V. Jaswal

On 26 March 2013 12:11, Dr. NC Jain <> wrote:
Dear sir
   I fully agree with the questions raised by Sarbajit Roy .
Dr N C Jain

From: Sarbajit Roy <>
To: indiaresists <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 4:04 AM
Subject: [IAC#RG] Fwd: Arvind Kejriwal's Asahayog Aandolan

Dear IAC members

Unfortunately and once again we have to refer to Mr. Arvind Kejriwal's new antics.

In this attached email. he calls upon all residents of Delhi to join him when he refuses to pay his electricity bills and he assures them that nothing will happen to them (elsewhere he has said because when AAP comes to power all those cases will be dropped) since the Govt is "gutless".

Dear Arvind:

My first query is :Where exactly in Delhi do you reside permanently that you have an electricity connection in your name ? (PS: I thought you resided in Ghaziabad U.P, or have you bought some posh LBZ  property with the crores of rupees you are to account for.from IAC days.?)

M\y second query is: What will happen to all those harassed poor people who believing in you got converted into bijli chors (like you), get permanently disconnected and shall never be reconnected to bijli till they pay regular bribes to AAP's parallel network for black market electricity supply ? <--- Arvind we know your game plan and you should be ashamed of yourself. Don't you have any self respect ?

My third query : Do you know that DERC has extended the period to make submissions on MYTR and True-Up (since 2008 -) till 31.March.?  If you are actually a qualified engineer, which I seriously doubt seeing that you don't even know the difference between incoming and outgoing feeders, please submit something meaningful instead of indulging in this foreign financed nautanki baazi,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Arvind Kejriwal <>
Date: Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 11:22 AM
Subject: Arvind Kejriwal's Asahayog Aandolan

My fellow Indian,
Under Anna's leadership, India came on streets against corruption. The people demanded a strong anti-corruption law. The government did not agree. None of the parties agreed. Obviously, they couldn't have agreed because if they passed a strong Jan Lokpal Bill, most of the politicians would be in jail and their properties would be confiscated.
My friend, our entire political system has become rotten. Most of today's problems are due to corrupt politics. Unless it is cleansed, nothing would improve. That's why we had to enter politics – we tried to stay away, but we realized that approach would not work. We have now formed the Aam Aadmi Party.
Gandhiji said that politics devoid of honesty and spirituality is disastrous for the country. We have to change the politics of this country. I am confident that together, we can.
To watch the video please click here or continue reading……….
Though now under law, we are a political party, however, the struggle against corruption continues. I am sitting on an indefinite fast from 23rd March. Why? Because in collusion with electricity and water companies, Delhi Government has increased electricity and water prices to such levels, that it is becoming almost impossible for common people in Delhi to pay up their bills. Many people are taking loans to pay their bills. But that can't go on for long. Documents available with us indicate that the prices should be at least half of what they are today. The prices have been increased only due to corruption to favour a few companies. If something is not done immediately, the government plans to further increase these rates in the coming months.
BJP is in opposition in Delhi. It either remains quiet or makes pretence of opposition. The only hope is the people of Delhi. But people are scared. When we asked people to stop paying their illegitimate bills, they were scared that their electricity might be disconnected or court cases might be filed against them.
In order to take the fear out of the minds and hearts of the people and to unite them, I am sitting on an indefinite fast from 23rd March. This time, we are not demanding anything from the government. My appeal is directly to the people of Delhi – "I will stop paying my electricity and water bills, will u also do that? Let's all unite. Don't be scared. If most of the people in Delhi stop paying their electricity and water bills, no government will have the guts to disconnect anyone's electricity. Even if the government does that, connect it again yourself.
I have given up food from March 23rd; will you give up your fears and stop paying your bills?"
Are we encouraging anarchy? No. If the government enacts a completely unjust law or is guided by corruption, then according to Gandhiji, it is the duty of every citizen to violate that unjust law and invite punishment. Else, we would be supporting injustice and corruption. Today, there is anarchy in every household in Delhi due to government's corruption. If people stop paying bills, there might be anarchy in the houses of some politicians, but people will live in peace.
Through this letter, I seek your participation, in whatever way you can.
If you live in Delhi and want to join the movement by stopping to pay your bills please click here to sign the petition.
If you wish to volunteer your time for this campaign, please click here to contact Aandolan Kendra in your ward.
If you live outside Delhi, please call your family and friends in Delhi asking them to support the campaign or you may even come and assist us in Delhi.
If you wish to remain in touch please click here to give us your contact details.
Do not hesitate to write to us at, if you have any questions or suggestions.
Kindly forward this mail as widely as possible. Every effort helps, in the fight against corruption.
Jai Hind.

Warm regards,
Arvind Kejriwal

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