Wednesday, 27 March 2013

RE: [IAC#RG] Definition of "Hindu"

Dear Sarbajit,

Some of your messages are as confusing as your ideas.You appear to be an apologist for Muslim Personal Law even though it in many areas infringes on a Muslim's right as an Indian citizen.Your suggestion to achieve uniform civil code via consensus by incorporating whatever the Muslim Ummah wants and make it also applicable to the Hindu Samaj and vice versa is laughable.It looks like the old adage "If Mohammed will not go to the mountain, the mountain must come to Mohammed".

If at all Shariat has to be incorporated in the Muslim Personal Law, why only polygamy part of it, why select only convenient portions. Why don't include Hudood(punishments) part also.Let the personal law contain the entire Shariat Hudood with its Quisas(eye for an eye),Diyya(blood money), Hudud(punishments like amputing) and Tazir(beheading and stoning to death). If this is implemented the entire Muslim community will opt for uniform civil code.

Secular elements within many Muslim societies have challenged the acceptability of polygamy. It is prohibited by law in some Islamic countries that have not adopted Islamic law for marital regulations, such as Tunisia and Turkey.It is the vote bank politics of this country that sustain such medievel thinking and create two sets of citizens.. 





Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2013 20:09:29 +0530
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Definition of "Hindu"

Dear Navnith

Yes there is a broad consensus that "Hindu" refers
generally to persons who live to the  East of the River
Indus. This was supposedly later limited by later
Muslim/Mughal rulers to refer to non-Muslims, unbelievers,
heathens, pagans etc insofar as Islam is concerned in
their territories

"India" is what the British Empire called the territory they
conquered from the Mughal Empire and also annexed from
other Indian native rulers. After the negotiated partition of
British India, and the exit of unbelievers what remained behind
was this India. It is identical to the process whereby HRA's
India Against Corruption movement negotiated the exit of
all unbelievers from the movement to retain and preserve
the larger body and is in the spirit of the Indian Partition Act
a hoary law of British India still followed today.

Insofar as 2 children-8 children is concerned, you have evaded
the question. Pseudo-secularists find it very difficult to answer it
It has a very simple answer enshrined in India's Constitution ..

"Every religious community is entitled to freely practice
and propagate its religion so long as it does not interfere
in the rights of anybody else and is subject to law, order
and public morality

Nothing to do with Uniform Civil Code which is a Directive Principle
of State Policy and is a noble idea to be attained via consensus
but is not enforceable if consensus is not forthcoming.

The best way to achieve Uniform Civil Code via consensus is to
incorporate whatever the Muslim Ummah wants and make it also
applicable to the Hindu Samaj, and vice versa. This is precisely
what IAC has mentioned in its Charter.

Please remember always that those Muslims who chose to
remain in India were exactly the "right" Indians who had faith
in India's ancient and deep tradition of "Hindutva" (or UNIFYING
of the Indian Nation).


On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 11:58 AM, Navnith Krishnan <> wrote:
Dear Sarbajit,

You will agree with me that the word Hindu and India are both derived from the word Sindhu.The Persians  used to broadly refer to those living around the River Sindhu as Hindus.Since the river Sindhu or Indus is in Pakistan,by your theory is it not a fallacy to call our country as India? Ofcourse,Bharath is based on the mythological figure,Bharatha,who was a great Emperor.But this name is recognized by the Constitution of India,perhaps to highlight our great cultural heritage.We have enough issues already,so why waste time splitting our hairs about India and Bharath.Let both unite us.

With regards to number of children,it is not a question of two children per man or per woman. Why Muslims are allowed to have a separate personal law in a so called cecular democracy..Why should they be allowed to practice poligamy.Rajiv Gandhi did the biggwest blunder by getting the constitution amended to deny a poor Muslim woman alimony.Her rights as an Indian citizen was thus denied.Perhaps BJP is the only party demanding common civil code.





Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2013 18:18:54 +0530

Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Definition of "Hindu"

Dear Navnith

IAC is extremely focussed on 3 and only 3 words which are "India", "Against", and "Corruption".

The BJP and Aam Aadmi Party etc is not at all concerned about "India" they are only concerrnd about some mythical and non-existent "Bharat". The only party which makes mention of India is the 'Indian" National Congress (and we all know how Indian that party is. So please rest assured that IAC will eventually define "India" in a UNIFYING way which truly makes every one who shall remain in our movement very happy and proud..

Once everyone in IAC becomes an "Indian" (as agreed and accepted) , we shall unleash the power of  AGAINST. because that needs hardly any definition.

On population control, a simple question you can assist IAC on:-

If a monogamist Hindu family is ever limited to 2 children by law, should the family of a polygamist Muslim with 4 wives be limited to 2 children or 8 children ?

On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 4:39 PM, Navnith Krishnan <> wrote:
Dear Sarbajit,
Good, you are in the process of defining and clarifying IAC's ideological issues.Perhaps it may make IAC more focussed rather than making it a platform for members to comment on every issue under the sun. 
But do you think 'black money' and 'population control' are divisive issues which should be frozen?.Do you think corruption is a 'meaningless' issue?It looks more like Congress 'ideology'.





Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2013 15:02:57 +0530

Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Definition of "Hindu"

Dear Major Sarwara etc.

IAC is now is the process of defining and clarifying certain ideological issues, and to see thereby which organisations can work with IAC and vice versa.

This is not the old IAC where "all good people"  came together on the simplistic (and meaningless) issue of corruption, and which old IAC collapsed under the weight of its own ideological and egoistical contradictions.

This IAC's platform and agenda  is going to be clear, and its stand on various issues , including religion which is a fountainhead of corruption in India and is deeply embedded in our political and economic culture, will be consistent.

IAC is determined to get as many of the troublesome and divisive issues frozen before we move forward with our campaign.  Religion is only one of them, "black money" is another, "population control" is a third etc etc.

We are also encouraging everyone to leave IAC who is not prepared to endure this painful learning process, or who has sympathy for the ways of the old IAC and its past leaders.

 I'm sorry to be so blunt, but its better to be disillusioned now than to be disillusioned later.

It is also a mark of how seriously HRA takes this process that I am personally tasked for answering all queries so that there is as little deviation as is possible, and since the time with us is so very short.

Since our public list is open, vario0us outside entities are "pinging" apolitical IAC through the maliing list to see what we now are and where we stand and where we are going.


On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:16 PM, <> wrote:
Everybody please pay attention to what Major D S Sarvana Very rightly said ..
Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone

-----Original Message-----
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2013 08:12:52
To: <>
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Definition of "Hindu"

Uf!what crap going on in IAC,every one is trying to show their knowledge to others on matters not concerned with IAC platform.Useless sub being discussed except corruption.Is deviation planned by   vested interests?......Major D S Sarwara
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from !DEA

-----Original Message-----
From: Sarbajit Roy <>
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2013 13:11:46
To: <>
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Definition of "Hindu"

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